THE TRAVELER: Rotating Single Origin [Medium-Light]

THE TRAVELER: Rotating Single Origin [Medium-Light]

from $18.50

We cup a lot of coffee. A lot, a lot of coffee. So, every month or so we pick one that we feels offers a unique flavor profile, comes from a particularly great source, or is just has a cool story and release it through our rotating traveler series of coffee.

This months coffee is a natural process coffee from the Katana region of DR Congo.

The Katana area is blessed with abundant rainfall, and the excess water supply ensures ample irrigation for small-holder farmers. Situated at an altitutde of 1693 masl, the coffee in this region benefits from altitude, volcanic soils, and proximitiy to the equator, all contributing factors in its excellent quality. The station processes natural and honey coffee on shaded, raised beds.

Current Traveler:

DR Congo Kivu Organic [$4.24/lb]

Cupping Notes: Stone Fruit, Blackberry, Thick Body

Bag Size: 12oz Retail or 5lb Wholesale

Processing: Natural

Roast: Medium-Light

Varietal: Typica

Bag Size:
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Online orders are typically roasted and ready for fulfillment 2-3 business days after the order is placed. We will notify you via email when it has been shipped, dropped off or ready for pickup.